Friday, June 6, 2008

Blog Carnival '08 - Update 5/6

I’m glad to see how many people I have that are interested and willing to take part in this. To you all, I sincere thank you. Now here are some more details about the carnival:

• I’ve decided to lengthen the event to incorporate the last week of July as well, effectively making it two weeks rather than the originally proposed idea of just one. I figure that this will give everyone more time to write and play around with what they want to say. Also I’m trying to take into account that things may pop up and having more time to organize ourselves may benefit us all.
• Everyone who has signed up and/or thinking about signing up should go check out the comments of the last carnival post and visit the other blogs if you haven’t already. Get out there and check out the landscape; reach out and contact the other bloggers by leaving comments or emailing them. Go develop relationships now so that when the time comes, there isn’t this uneasy awkwardness to posting on someone’s blog who you’ve never talked to. Not only that, but a lot of blogging relies on our relationships with others. If you want to be more popular in the blogging sphere then use this event as the training grounds on how to reach out to others online.
• In the spirit of reaching out, as the days get closer and closer to the event, I would like for everyone to at least mention to their readers of whats to come. I think that it might be a bit shocking to randomly find a post on a blog that is not by the normal author without some kind of proper warning. Also guest bloggers may want to have something in which they introduce themselves. Just merely common etiquette…

Anyways, I may have said this before but I would like to see if I can get a nice little emblem or logo that can be posted to our blogs to show that we are involved / was involved once its all over. This may be simply idealistic of me, but somehow I would find it cool to do this. If anyone is willing to help out that is good with some kind of artsy program, leave me a comment saying so. Also, just leave a comment telling me what you lot think about all of this.

Thanks once again for wanting to participate.
Ps: the registration is not closed. If anyone wants in, just do what I said before and you’re in.

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