Sunday, December 14, 2008

Saturday's Outing

Lately I've used this blog for mainly intellectual purposes, that in no way means that I haven't had any fun. These past few weeks have been entertaining, to say the least, and Saturday was no exception. I headed out to meet Hayley at her place and somehow, we ended up detouring to Central park. As we were strolling along, freezing our nips off - cursed cold! - I was mindlessly talking about my favorite area of the park being Bethesa Terrace and Fountain when we ran into it.

Earlier in the summer, whenever I had to be at hunter, I'd get all my friends together and head west just to see this fountain. I had forgotten I entered from the West side of the park this time and wasn't expecting to run into it. Heres a view of the boathouse:

And one of Hayley herself:

Thanks to the cold, we ended up quickly leaving and ran back to her place. Met her family and friends and ended up in a discussion about the use of blogs in schools that then evolved into talking about technology being an extension of ourselves - both of which would be better addressed in another post, or maybe even podcast - during lunch.

All in all it was pretty relaxing, which is something I guess I needed both in my life and on my blog - even if just a little.


  1. I am super happy that you enjoyed yourself. btw I like that pic of me :)

  2. So do i. I'm glad I took it. And besides, of course I enjoyed myself - i was with you.
